Lignacrete Datasheet

Lignacrete Block range

Lignacrete dense concrete blocks are robust and durable with a technical performance that will fulfil most applications. They are manufactured to BS EN 771-3 and are available in standard and paint grade (close textured for direct painting). High strength blocks up to 30N/mm² are available for demanding, loadbearing designs.

Generally, blocks have a face size of 440mm x 215mm. However, Lignacrete 140mm Midi blocks have a face size of 290mm x 215mm and have been developed for easier handling while retaining the performance of conventional-size solid blocks.


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Choose Your Block Variant

Side view of a Ligncrete Standard Block.

Lignacrete Standard





Lignacrete Standard 7.3 and 10.4 N/mm² are dense concrete blocks intended for general purpose use above and below ground.

Lignacrete Standard

Hollow Concrete Block





Lignacrete Hollow dense concrete blocks are robust and durable with a technical performance that will fulfil most applications.

Hollow Concrete Block
Side view of a Lignacrete High Strength Concrete Block

High Strength Block






Lignacrete 17.5, 22.5 and 30N/mm² are high strength dense concrete blocks that are ideal for walls needing exceptional loadbearing capacity.

High Strength Block
Side view of a Lignacite Paint Grade Block.

Paint Grade Close Textured Dense Block





Lignacrete Paint Grade are close textured concrete blocks, which are ideal for walls that require direct decoration.

Paint Grade Close Textured Dense Block
Side view of a Lignacrete Midi Block.

Midi Concrete Block








Lignacrete Midi are 140mm solid units with a face size of 290mm x 215mm. They have been developed for easier handling while providing all the performance associated with conventionally sized solid dense blocks.

Midi Concrete Block

Weights & Pack Sizes

All weights are approximate and subject to normal variations in raw materials.

Table 1 – Block Weights and Pack Sizes

Size mm nominal
(L x W x H)
Unit weight
Laid weight inc. mortar
No. of blocks per pack
Solid 440 x 100 x 21518.919864
Solid 440 x 140 x 21526.527848
Solid 290 x 140 x 140 (Midi size)17.527972
Hollow 440 x 140 x 21519.020448
Hollow 440 x 215 x 21525.127432
Table 1 Notes:
(1) For blocks above 17.5N/mm², the unit and laid weights will be approximately 5% greater than those indicated. Weights are based on 3% moisture content by weight.
(2) Pack sizes may vary depending on the plant (Brandon or Nazeing) producing and delivering the blocks. For the most up-to-date information, please contact our Sales Team via or Alternatively, call our Head Office on 01842 810678.

Fire Resistance

Lignacrete blocks are rated as Class A1 in accordance with BS EN 13501-1:2007+A1:2009. A1 materials are completely non-combustible and make no contribution to fire.

The fire resistance periods of Lignacrete loadbearing and non-loadbearing walls are shown in Table 2, derived from the National Annex to BS EN 1996-1-2. This is applicable to all strengths of Lignacrete. The fire resistance of loadbearing walls is influenced by the proportion of the load on a wall, which is annotated in the National Annex as a ≤1.0 or a ≤ 0.6. The fire values presented are based on the worst loading case (≤1.0) and can therefore be safely used for all loading conditions.

The thicknesses shown are for masonry alone, excluding finishes. For the fire resistance of walls with finishes, refer to the Lignacite Design Guide – Fire Resistance.

Table 2 – Fire Resistance

Lignacrete Solid blocks
(Group 1 units) No finish
Non-loadbearing wall
(criteria E1)
Loadbearing wall
(criteria RE1)
100mm3 hours2 hours
140mm4 hours3 hours
215mm solid
(100mm blocks laid flat)
4 hours4 hours
Lignacrete Hollow blocks
(Group 1 units) No finish
Non-loadbearing wall
(criteria E1)
Loadbearing wall
(criteria RE1)
140mm Hollow4 hours3hours
215mm Hollow4 hours4 hours

Sound Properties

Thermal Properties

Cavity fill typeInternal finish -
12.5mm plasterboard on dabs
U-values (W/m² K)
Internal finish -
13mm lightweight plaster
U-values (W/m² K)
60mm Celotex CW40000.250.26
75mm Celotex CW40000.220.22
100mm Celotex CW40000.170.18
60mm Kingspan Kooltherm K1080.230.23
75mm Kingspan Kooltherm K1080.190.20
100mm Kingspan Kooltherm K1080.150.16
60mm Eurowall Cavity0.250.26
75mm Eurowall Cavity0.220.22
100mm Eurowall Cavity0.170.18
100mm Rockwool Partial Fill0.270.28
150mm Rockwool Partial Fill0.190.20
170mm Rockwool Partial Fill0.170.18
100mm Isover CWS 320.260.27
125mm Isover CWS 320.220.22
150mm Isover CWS 320.180.19
Cavity Fill Table's Notes:
(1) The U-values shown are based on the use of various proprietary insulation products. Alternative products can be used, provided they can achieve an equivalent thermal resistance (m² K/W).
(2) Wall ties are assumed to be stainless steel with a cross-sectional area of no more than 12.5mm² for structural cavities up to 125mm wide.
(3) The suitability of full fill cavity insulation materials will depend on exposure conditions and should be confirmed by the designer. For partial cavity fill, a 50mm residual should be maintained (always check the manufacturer’s guidance).



Block Mortar

Generally, the mortar type for work above ground level should be designation (iii) / Compressive Class M4. However, where it is needed to maximise the loadbearing capacity of the wall, designation (ii) / Compressive Class M6 mixes should be specified. Stronger mixes may also be required for work below ground.

Table 7 – Mortar Mixes

Mortar Designation
(as per BS 5628-3)
Compressive Strength Class
(as per BS EN 1996)
Recommended mix proportions of materials by volume
(iii)M41:1:5 to 6 - Cement:Lime:Sand.

1:5 to 6 - Cement:Sand with or without air entrainment.

1:4 to 5 - Masonry Cement:Sand (with non-lime filler).

1:3½:4 - Masonry Cement:Sand (with lime filler).
(ii)M61:½:4-4½ - Cement:Lime: Sand.

1:3 to 4 - Cement:Sand with or without air entrainment.

1:2½:3½ - Masonry Cement:Sand (with non-lime filler).

1:3 - Masonry Cement:Sand (with lime filler).

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