
Energy & Carbon Emissions

We fully recognise climate change as a cause for concern that affects everyone in society. We are therefore fully committed to using energy efficiently and responsibly, minimising our impact on the environment and reducing our carbon footprint.

We recognise that all aspects of our business, from concrete block manufacturing to delivery, consume energy, and we strive to be as efficient as possible in our use of energy and natural resources.

To help achieve this, we employ a continuous improvement process to reduce our energy use, which has a positive effect on the greenhouse gases that we emit both directly and indirectly. We actively support our customers, suppliers and employees to do the same.

Our concrete blocks can also help our customers to ensure that their buildings use energy more efficiently.

Full details are outlined in our Energy and Carbon Management Policy.

As part of our commitment to using energy responsibly, we will:

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Continually improve energy efficiency, measured by the setting of energy performance indicators.

Assess and regularly monitor the energy consumption of the company’s activities.

Promote energy awareness throughout the business.

Support the purchase of energy-efficient products and services.

Install low-consumption equipment and systems where practicable.

Reduce energy consumption through a program of energy-saving initiatives.

Change to renewable energy sources where reasonably practicable.

Consider energy efficiency as a key factor in product development and in process and facility design, as well as in the procurement of goods and services.

Measure and audit energy use to identify potential savings areas.

Our concrete blocks can also help our customers ensure that their buildings use energy more efficiently, as follows:

Excellent Thermal Performance

Lignacite concrete blocks can be used in external cavity or solid walls, which can be designed to achieve high levels of thermal performance to meet the energy efficiency standards of Part L (2021) of the Building Regulations. In commercial buildings, the thermal mass of our blockwork can be used as part of a strategy to mitigate the risk of overheating by stabilising the internal temperature without the need for artificial cooling and heating.

Lignacite concrete blocks in a barn conversions

A Natural Heating System

This benefit is optimised when fair-faced or plastered blockwork is used alongside exposed concrete floor slabs. The exposed surfaces absorb heat during the day, releasing it at night when the excess can be either 'flushed out' through natural ventilation or used to heat the space as the outside temperature falls. 

Engineer in high visibility vest inspecting Lignacite concrete wall

Interested in working with Lignacite?

If you’d like to find out more about our sustainability credentials or want to discuss concrete blockwork options to meet the sustainable requirements for your next building project, please get in touch.